These are some of my photo's from our first few adventures downtown.
From our apartment its about 20 minutes by bus-which costs 1 Yuan (about 15p)- or 10 minute by taxi which costs 13 Yuan (about 80p).
Downtown is pretty commercial. I never realised how big it would be. We got to the bridge that you see in one of the pictures and presumed that that was the end of the city centre, it wasn't until later that we bumped into some other english in a Cofee shop that we discovered it got even busier the other side- and that the Bar was somewhere to be found over there.
Bikes are the most dangerous thing we have so far encountered in China- suicidal taxi drivers included- everytime we step into a road one seems to come hurtling towards us. One even aimed for Dave in a awkward "you first","no you first" kind of fashion. But so far we ahve been unscathed. Even considered buying a bike ourselves. Outside of the Malls there are litterally hundreds of bikes parked. You pay the attendant 1 Yijau- which is .10 of a Yuan and you can leave it there all day, and he'll stop it being stolen. Makes for quite a nice picture.
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