Its the day after the night before. Dave and I have had about 3 hours sleep and we decide to get up, go to town and eventually go swimming to clear our heads. We had seen an amazing pool advertised on telly-"sea world"- with multiple pools ,loads of slides, river rapids and a wave machine.
We'd had an enjoyable couple of hours at the pool, when we heard that the wave machine was about to come on. After a little debate over who should go and get them Dave swam off to fetch our inflatable rings so we could enjoy the waves to the maximum. On his way, I didn't see it-regretably, as I imagine it might have been halarious-, Dave managed to slip completely over and stub his toe on the floor. He told me what he'd done when he got back but thought nothing of it as the wave machine was on-most vicious wave machine I think i've ever seen.
Anyhow, when we eventually get out, some half an our after he originally stubbed his toe, Dave can hardly walk and is taken away to see a doctor. She reccomends going to hosptial for an xray. We are blinded by chinese so we call our "minders" Sandy and Mr Dong, who after an hour finally turn up and just repeatedly say "is it serious" and "i don't think really you need hospital". But after a little insistance on both of our parts, and reminding Sandy that she is barely a teacher, let alone a doctor, Dave gets his xray. It confirms that he has a very small break in his toe and so as a result will need to be in plaster for 3 or 4 weeks.
Dave was given some pills at the time, we both point blank agreed that he shouldn't take them. We thought that they were just some Chinese pain killer, but it turns out they they are to "make bones grow back". Straight out of Harry Potter-ridiculous. Our first instinct decisions have never been so valuable before!
Does he always wear that new T-shirt!
Anonymous Parent
If you change your t-shirt more than once a week here you are viewed as extravagent! Just don't ask about underwear.
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