Apparently some of the students have set up an environmental society and wanted our help with a campaign, So we went down at 12.30 as agreed. Apparently we were some sort of attraction, I like to think that we added some sort of authenticity to their campaign! Anyhow, we got down there and were told that the teacher had yet to turn up and that we would be leaving in a moment. "Leaving?" I asked of Dave. We were then told that the TV would be coming and that we were going somewhere to picket people and hand out flyers to help a teacher with his hopeful election to the green party. At this point I turned round to Dave and said in an Oliver -Hard- esque manner "well this is another fine mess you have got me into".
They took us to a housing estate near the supermarket we used to go to. It was far cleaner than where we lived and seemed to be deserted. The kids then proceeded to hassle the few members of the public they could find and (instead of picking up the rubbish) clearing up leaves. Then came our moment of fame. Kristina was first to be interviewed and then Dave. Both had been asked fairly simple questions about the environment in China and at Home, whether they thought the Kids were doing a good thing and whether they like Shijiazhaung.Both answered well and not in the jokey manner that Dave and I had planned to earlier. I listened attentively picking up a few hints as to what i was going to say and thinking this will be easy.
When it came to my turn they decided to pull out the big hitters. I 'm not going to say that I have never spoken so much rubbish in my entire life-because I often spout utter crap- but this was ridiculous. One rememberable quote was "although i cannot understand what is written on the leaflets, I definitely agree with the sentiment" and I may have used the word "toxicants" at another moment.
Anyhow they are apparently sending us a copy og our appearance, so our humilation may soon be up on You Tube for you all to enjoy!
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