For my last "official" night in the Shiz we organised a little shindig just for the no.42 teachers. We ate out at our favourite Lamb restuarant down the street and then had a house party in Brocks apartment.
The evening got a little messsy. No Trip to the Lamb Restuarant is complete without countless complimentary shots of Bijou from the locals and this occaisiona was no different. The only change was that Brock and I also ordered a small carraffe of the foul smelling dirt liquour for ourselves as well. Couple this with the crate of beer we polished off and the bottle of gin and tonic that was passed around and you'll start to understand why Dave and Meredith decided it was a wise idea to have a wrestling contest- and also why I'm helplessly slurring my words and dropping R's all over the place, a lot more than usual I mean!
The Next morning I had to get up early to go and buy my flight ticket from Shanghai to Chengdu, so there was no chance of sleeping off the hangover. Once again Nancy was a great help. After saying good bye to all my friends and the chinese teachers that I had become friendly with it was finally time to say goodbye to Shijiazhaung!
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