Sunday, January 07, 2007

Not just my general laziness for once

Not just my general laziness for once

Whilst most people assume that I’ve got bored with the routine of keeping a blog or that I’m too caught up in the West Wing to bother updating, there is actually a good reason why this page has been rather uncared for in the past week. There was some sort of Tsunami off the coast of Taiwan that managed to damage the wires that deal with international Internet pages.

Not all the wires were destroyed, but 3 out of 4 were, so whilst we can access the Internet, there are 3 times that amount of people trying to access the information on the same wire at the same time, so it runs unbelievably slow. I wasn’t going to update until this sorted itself out but it’s been a while now and it doesn’t seem as if the problem will be resolved soon, so I thought I’d post without pictures of videos and try to upload them at a later stage.


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