Friday, January 26, 2007

Job Done

My time as a teacher has nearly come to an end. Last week was my final week of teaching kids and this afternoon I will give my lesson to the the teachers.

I was upset that the school decided that we would give classes to teachers in the final week as I had planned a party for the children but they told me the friday before the monday of the final week that instead I only had one more week left. This annoyed me as well as I had completed writing an exam for the kids to see how much they had learnt over the year. They sat the exam in their final lesson and then I had to go to their class rooms in my spare time to give them back their grades and prizes for the best attempts.

The kids took the exams quite seriously and most of them produced good papers. Some of the classes had lazy kids who didn't even bother writing their names, but I suppose you have that in every school.

Most of the papers were good- obviously the grade A sets were better than the B sets- but there were a few choice quotes ;
"I very like listen to Gay Sing Music"
"I like to drink Cock"
"My Father is My Mother"
"You wank to know about me"

and personal favourite

"my father is a cock. he cocks me."

But I probaly shouldn't be laughing at my failings as a teacher.

Saying goodbye to the students was quite sad, a few cried and since then i've had a steady stream of emails repeatedly asking "why? Why you leave China?" Rather more pleasing was is the collection of toys and presents I have amassed in the last week.

I have enjoyed teaching but I cannot wait to get back to England.

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