Down the road from our Hostel was the "
Internationally Famous and World Acclaimed" Beijing Street Market, which specialises in an avante garde selection of all your favourite insects and sea creatures, fried and cooked on sticks for your own enjoyment.
As we walked down the market we were amazed by Shark on a Stick, Sea Horse on a Stick, Sea Anemone on a Stick, Centepede on a Stick- in fact anything you could possibly nightmare about on a stick.

Dave and Brock plumped for the delicious sounding snack of Scorpion on a Stick. 3 baby scorpions on a stick-what a tasty morsel. We watched them being cooked, Dave and Brock looking on with both trepidation and excitment. They both set to the task gallently and within about 3 minutes had ingested all three of the potentially poisonous baby arachnids. They both claimed that it tasted somewhat like, you've guesed it, Chicken!

Anyhow so my turn. I plumped for Starfish on a stick. Not too sure why. But it looked interesting and made for a decent spectacle. Big Mistake. Eating Starfish was like dropping your ham sandwiches at the beach, picking up the whole beach worth of sand, losing the ham and picking up some dog turd at the same time. Really, Really not enjoyable. The only parts that were half decent were the very crispy ends to the feet-but thats probably because they were not filled with quite so much Starfish Poo. You Live and You Learn.

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