In England it's just an excuse for chavs to throw eggs at houses, slash car tyres and dress up their disabled siblings in stupid outfits and drag them through the streets begging. In America its an excuse for a massive party. For once I think I prefer the American perspective on things- and I do mean "for once".
I chose the easy option and went as Harry Potter. Seeing as this has been an unofficial nickname for me for a few years I thought I might as well live up to it for a change. This meant purchasing a white shirt and a gryfindor scarf, borrowing a tie from brock, putting some cellotape on my glasses, drawing a lightening bolt on my forehead and parading around with a chopstick for a wand and holding my large broom between my legs. Easy.

All in all it was a good night and to come there is a very very very embarrasing video of a exceedingly camply dresseds french man and a harry potter look a like dancing to "girls just want to have fun" on a sofa, resulting in hilarious consequences.

1 comment:
That video is brilliant!
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