Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So my parents went away a few weekends back so I thought it might be a good idea if I had a little gathering. Kind of a late Birthday/early leaving barbeque.

In my dads absence it meant that the BBQ responsibilites were left up to me. Now, here's my excuses: at college we had one of those new fangled gas type of barbecues, where you plug it in, light the gas and hey presto, control the temp with a flick of a switch. My dad, being a bit of a traditionalist about these type of things, refuses to have such a contraption, and insistson an old school coal affair-even if they are now more expensive than there more modern replacements. This lead to me battling against a towering inferno and singed eyebrows in order to cook. When the burgers eventually escaped the furoure of the fire they were nicely charcoled and black, but after the first few it did calm down and eventually every thing else turned out fine.

Without the parents in tow it was a lot more laid back than previous bbq's held at mine; just a group of 10 friends, eating, drinking, playing football and ultimate frisbee and having a decent time. Festivities started at 4pm and started to tail off about 4am so it was a 12 hour-a-thon. I'm sure a decent time was had by all, and no one complained of sever dissentry in the morning,so the cooking was a success on my part as well.

The main event of the night was the ultimate frisbee competition, a closley fought battle between two evenly matched teams, using the area inside the gazebo's as the goal zone. I was pretty terrible at this and think I've found a (non-female only) sport that Clare is probably better than me at, as even in her drunken state she managed to catch it a few times, which is more than I did, and score a few goals.

Thanks to everyone that came at such short notice, especially to Rich and Ross that came all the way down from up N'arth and only managed to get lost once- thanks to Ross. Also John, who came despite breaking his foot the day before.


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