Saturday, March 14, 2009
I've got a new blog which can be read here
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
So thats it!
I think we'll all up to date. I'm currently at home working for McDonalds before starting work in September and going through with the purchase of a house in Leeds. So exciting times lie ahead - although probably not exciting work ; either at McDonalds or Eversheds.
China was a fantastic experience. When I first got home and everything happend with Clare I was tempted to jump on the first plane back out again. Although I would no longer have a job in the school I would get the chance to be with all my friends again and continue the "journey". I'm glad I didn't as I think I need to face up to things at home in order to be able to move on properly.
China, and the people I met there, will always hold a special place in my heart and I know that I would not have rather spent those 6 months doing anything else.
Thanks to everyone that made it possible.
Like the Buses...
Looking back now on the time I spent in China I think it is something I will treasure and remember for the rest of my life. The friends I made of different nationalities, the cultures I experienced and the food I ate are things that I never ever would have done unless this amazing opportunity had arisen. Whilst Dave and I felt a little bitter towards Phil Thomas of Cardiff University for his lack of actual support during our time out in China, I bet he is just as thankful as I am that we did happen to receive that email from him last march that set the wheels in motion.
A few major things have changed in my life since returning home and, whilst not entirely an acceptable excuse, these are part of the reasons for not posting on here.
Firstly and most prominently, I am now, after the best part of six and a half years, single. This was something I found hard to come to terms with. To go from spending nearly a third of your adult life with someone to not having him or her in your life at all is a massive change. But these things happen for the best in the long run. The actual shock of the break up would have been much, much worse had I not just spent 6 months without Clare in China. People ask “do you regret going” and “do you think you would still be together if you hadn’t have gone” and the answers I’ve given have changed from being “I don’t know” to just “no”. Times when I’ve felt down I’ve looked back at the photos of the last 6 months and reminisced on some of the great times I had with all my friends out there and suddenly felt much better.
Finding a job before starting work proper in September and also buying a house have been things that have also taken up inordinate amounts of time. And of course my football team Blackpool FC is something that has kept me distracted as I have followed their promotion to the Championship for the first time in 29 years.
Whilst I apologise for the delay in posting I am actually quite enjoying sitting down and thinking it all through again. I have not yet printed my photographs out – this is something I’m saving till the memories fade a little and then hopefully they will once again be re-ignited.
New Places and more imporantly New People

The No.42 Crew – as we liked to be called were awesome. As Dave says in his blog there were times when we fell out and didn’t get on, but this was always going to be the case when forced to socialize with exactly the same people day in day out in such an extreme new culture. There were times when we all went out of our ways to avoid seeing one another and at other times we all made the extra special effort to try and make things work as well – and they are the times I will choose to remember. Brock, Becky and Meredith are all people I will always consider to be great friends of mine.
But I must not forget the people from outside of the No.42 Clique. Hilary cooked me many a fine meal, Zach held some of the best apartment parties I have ever had the pleasure to attend, Anthony often saved me from the title of “most drunk” on a night out and introduced me to many a beautiful Chinese lady and Kavitha often put up with my drunken rambling and gave me rides on her bike! Then there was Mike and Gaz who we met in Beijing in October and then came to stay with us in December for one of the most booze filled weeks we had in China – superb fun with two superb lads.
The Chinese friends I made also had a great impact on my experience. If it hadn’t have been for Nancy I never would have been able to travel anywhere during my month off. She really helped me get to grips with the ludicrous Chinese travel systems and organised everything so well for me. But more than that she was a tremendous friend to me and one I still keep in touch with now. I met ZoĆ« during a drunken night in the net bar and became good friends. She helped me learn some Chinese and also “forced” me to buy the ridiculous orange glasses that I still sport to this day. Of course there were so many others that helped throughout the time I was there but this post will be hideously long as it is so I’ll just say a big Thanks to everyone.
Dave and I were good friends from College before hand and when we made the decision to go to China independently of each I think it made us even closer. When I first got home it wasn’t so much China I missed, it was his company and I must say a massive thank you to him for helping me through so much whilst I was out there.
The Experience
At times Dave and I got frustrated by the lack of things we could actually do for the children. We had grand plans for lessons that just could not be achieved with the facilities that were in place. A slide and video tour around England for example turned into us holding our laptops above our heads for an hour whilst 40 kids squinted to see the screen- but they still loved it! However once we figured out the school really saw us as no more than a marketing ploy for the school things started to fall into place a bit more.
As far as China goes I would love to go back. It was always going to be impossible to see all of the country – especially as I was leaving early. I only really got to travel around Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu and their surrounding cities. I would love to go further down south to see Guangzhou and Hong Kong in particular. Whilst I wouldn’t say that I love China I have found myself defending it to all and sundry when it comes up in conversation so it must have touched a part of me.
The parts of the trip I remember the most fondly are the first trip to the Great Wall that we did in October – a 10km walk in sweltering heat with a great group of people for company. Going to Xi’an to see the Terra Cotta Warriors was fantastic, knowing that you are some of the first people to see something that has only been discovered for 27 years is incredible and now that there is such a fuss being made over a few being brought to England for an exhibition it makes me much happier to say I have seen the entire collection. When Dave and I visited The Forbidden City for the first time I was amazed by how serene it was. We’d been to Beijing on 4 occasions before hand would always have described it as noisy, yet stood in the centre of the city in this amazing place you could literally hear the smallest birds singing. Climbing Emei Shan and staying in a Monastery at 1600Km (about half way up) was superb and despite things being a little tense between Clare and I at the time I think we made the most of the experience.
Whilst I know we all wish that we had had more opportunities to travel whilst we lived in Shijiazhuang I think we all made the best of the time we had. Teaching made it hard for us to get away as much as we would have liked but we still managed plenty of trips out at the weekend really – saving the longer journeys for our holidays.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Back to Normality..
So i've been home nearly a week now and am just about settelled back in. The jet lagg was an absolute killer but think I'm over the worst of it now. It seemed that no matter how late I was going to bed I just couldn't sleep in any later than 6am-2pm Chinese Time.
So what have I done so far? Spent the first day back visiting my Grandparents and various other family then on the saturday I went to my first Blackpool game in 6 months and luckily they didn't return to their form pre-China and they managed to earn a 2-2 draw away at Gillingham. I had a nice sunday dinner with family and friends on Sunday (only lamb and not beef though) and during the week I've been trying to organise my bedroom and upload my photos onto flickr to save some disc space.
When I've got a bit more time and had time to properly reflect on the whole experience I'll do some sort of best and worst bits of China. Going to leeds tomorrow to see deftones and then blackpool v brighton on saturday so it might not be until next week.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Beijing (again)
Unfortunately Clare has been a little ill whilst we have been here- probably something to do with the "fine restuarant" we went to the other night in my city or the amount of vodka she drank in Mazzo. I'm tended to go with some sort of tummy upset from the food though as I'm sure that not even Girl hangovers can last two days.
Because of Clare being ill we have postponed the trip to the wall until tomorrow. Today we looked around Tian Amen Square for a while and then had the worlds quickest visit to the Forbidden City- Clare felt really ill within about 5 minutes so I brough her back to the hostel to sleep.
All my other Friends are here at the moment. Dave has returned to China for some reason and brought Chris (my replacement), Meredith,Hilary,Becky,Brock,Wallace, Renea,Kavitha and Zack is coming tomorrow. So if Clare is well enough on the last night we will be able to go out and have a few farewell drinks.
Lets Keep our Fingers Crossed!
The last night in China Clare and I went for Beijing Duck in a restuarant quite near to the hostel. The duck was lovely and you had absolutely loads of it- we had a medium (i think) duck between the two of us and seeing as Clare was still ill it meant that I got to have most of it to myself! Yum Yum Yum. Afterwards we met up with the others who had gone to one of the restuarants that we often go to and then went back to the bar for a few drinks. They went out to Browns for a big night out but Clare and I needed to get up early for the flight the next day so we called it an early night. In the morning we got up and said goodbye to everyone one last time - except for dave and Chris who had already left for the Shiz- and then made our way to the airport to fly home.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
We were a little dissapointed when we got to the hostel then and found out that the shortest trip up the Yangtze was 4 days, which we could still do but because you were "going up the Yangtze" you ended up nowhere near Chengdu. Not ideal when your flying out of there on your 4th morning at 7.45am. The horse trekking was also a no-go the shortest trek was 2 days long but once again it took one day to get there and one day to get back.So we were left with a few other options and we ended up doing things that I think we both enjoyed equally as much as we would have done had we had gone on the other excursions.
After that we caught our bus back to Chengdu and tomorrow we go to Shijiazhuang where Clare will see how I have been living for the last 6 months!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Bullet Train
The experience was quite fantastic and watching the speedo raise from 0 to 431 Kmh was quite exciting. As you reached the top speed the whole train started to shake and when you turned corners it was wiered as you were on an angle and thats stange when there isn't anything connecting you to the ground. Quite unerving.
I was going to place a video of the rise from 0 to 431Kmh but its a bit like watching paint dry so i've just put in a few photos instead.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Because of flying in on the 16th we were kind of stuck in Shanghai for a few days. Chinese New Year was on the 17th and transport in and out of Shanghai around was a nightmare. So we were staying until the 20th and then heading off to Chengdu by plane in search of pandas.
On the other days we visited the old town of Shanghai and we saw a few temples and a nunnery- Clare was dissappointed that it was not like the one from "A Sound of Music" I think. The old town was hugely busy due to Spring Festival but it was interesting to walk through the old streets and see how amazingly different it was from the modern Shanghai that everyone pictures n their minds.
I think we both enjoyed our time in Shanghai, as I said above it would have been better if we were more central and had more people our age to go out with, but at the same time I think it was nice for Clare and I just to be able to catch up with one another again.
Next Place: Chengdu!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Chilling Lake Side
Next Stop Shanghai and time to meet up with Clare again!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Now in Nanjing

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I've really enjoyed my time in Suzhou. I think the great weather has helped- been able to walk around in T-Shirt Sleaves for the first time in ages and wish I'd brought shorts instead of thermal bottoms - but also the town is so green and clean that it has a real european feeling. Add to that the fact that it's a water town and has some beatufiul canals and scenary and you'll start to appreciate why I like the place.
Next stop: Nanjing